Can you use Magic Missile while blind?

Blind: A blinded creature can’t see and automatically fails any ability check that requires sight. All of this means that you should not be able to use magic missiles in the fog, because you are blind! You cannot physically see the target, even though you may have a rough idea on where your target is.

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Does Magic missile need line of sight?

The magic missile spell assumes unbroken line-of-sight because of the spell description part specifying targets ‘that you can see within range’. It’s also an Instantaneous duration, and all of its force darts arrive simultaneously.

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Can you cast Eldritch Blast while blinded?

As long as the target doesn’t move and there is nothing that could block line of sight, nothing RAW stops you from casting.

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Can you cast spells when blinded?

So, yes, they can. However, triggering any memorised spell or innate ability while not having the normal use of sight should be a risky affair. Even a normally blind caster would have great difficulty with ranged spells or ones that must discriminate targets using visual identification.

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What stops magic missile?

The Shield spell and the Brooch of Shielding both stop Magic Missile cold, completely negating the damage.

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MR. Torgue casts Magic Missiles AWESOME MOMENT in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands

Can magic missile go through water?

The Magic Missile can fire through water (unlike the Flamelash, a similar guidable weapon).

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Why is Magic Missile so good?

Magic Missile has the beautiful advantage of dealing force damage (which nothing published resists except for the Helmed Horror) and never missing, which means that we can cleanly calculate the DPR as the average of the dice rolls, giving us 10.5 damage each time you cast Magic Missile at first level.

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Can you cast fireball while blind?

If the spell says “that you can see” then the caster can’t cast that spell. If the spell requires a melee spell attack or a ranged spell attack, then the player rolls at disadvantage. Otherwise, the spell goes off without modification. If you are blind, you can still call down a fireball, “30 feet in front of me!”

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What to do if blinded by light?

If you feel you won’t be able to see after a vehicle approaching you has passed, slow down and try not to look directly at those headlights. If blinded by oncoming headlights while driving at night, look to the right side of the road. You will be able to see other vehicles with your peripheral vision.

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Can something with blindsight be blinded?

Yes, however they’re not affected assuming the enemy is within range. There are enemies that aren’t blind but with blindsight, who can be blinded the normal way but then still have a means to see people and thus not be affected by those within their range of ‘view’. If a creature has tremorsense the same would apply.

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Can you make opportunity attacks while blinded?

An opportunity attack is triggered by “a hostile creature that you can see” (PH, 195). Blinded? No opp. attack.

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Can Eldritch Blast go through glass?

Mostly yes, though Eldritch Blast is a ranged attack against a creature within range, not against a target you can see. The other two you mentioned, though – Magic Missile and Finger of Death – can indeed be cast through a window/glass wall. You could also Misty Step through, as another example.

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Can you grapple while blinded?

A grapple check is none of the things that the ‘blinded’ condition affects, so grapple checks are consequently unaffected by said condition.

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Does Shield stop Jim’s magic missile?

However, shield can still be used against Jim’s Magic Missile. The part of the spell that interacts with shield is: Make a ranged spell attack for each missile. If you are hit by one of the attacks from Jim’s Magic Missile, you can cast shield to potentially cause that attack to miss, just like any other attack.

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Can unseen servant go through walls?

It can open only normal doors, drawers, lids, and the like. It has an effective Strength score of 2 (so it can lift 20 pounds or drag 100 pounds). It can trigger traps and such, but it can exert only 20 pounds of force, which is not enough to activate certain pressure plates and other devices.

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Does mirror image stop magic missile?

The mirror image spell has no effect on magic missile, which doesn’t involve an attack.

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Do eyes react to light if blind?

The results confirm that the brain can detect light in the absence of working vision. They also suggest that light can quickly alter brain activity through pathways unrelated to sight.

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Do blind eyes still react to light?

While only 18 percent of people with significant visual impairments are actually totally blind, most can at least perceive light. In other words, although we cannot see colors, shapes or people, we can still tell the difference between light and dark.

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Why are bright LED headlights legal?

LED headlights are not only legal, most new cars have them now. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has done the research and determined it is impossible to produce HID conversion kits that meet federal regulations. Federal guidelines set standards for how bright headlights can be.

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Can you fireball a point you can’t see?

So, YES it is absolutely allowed to target a fireball at ANY point within range of the spell (you don’t even need to be able to see it).

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Does fireball remove mirror image?

Similarly, any AoE (e.g. Fireball) would hit the Caster. The Mirror images would remain untouched, though. Magic Missile is special in many ways.

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Can you cast fireball on a point you cant see?

So if the character is unable to see where they want to target, then they cannot target it, so the spell cannot be cast.

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What is the world’s best defense missile?

Multi-Mission C-RAM, V-SHORAD and Naval Area Defense System

RAFAEL’s IRON DOMEā„¢ is the world’s most deployed missile defense system, with more than 2,000 interceptions and a success rate greater than 90%.

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Can you uncanny dodge a magic missile?

Uncanny dodge would not work against Magic Missile, as it isn’t an Attack, as no attack roll is made.

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