How old do Asari live?

Asari can live for over a thousand years and go through three stages of life, which is analogous to the Triple Goddess archetype in Neopagan religious and spiritual traditions.

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How long do krogan and asari live?

Asari can live Alot longer then a Century some live over a thousand years. Liara is over a hundred and is still considered a child of sorts. Krogans can live up to 1,500 in some cases.

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Why are there no male asari?

They are a singularly-biologically-gendered race, each distinctively female in appearance. Asari are known to live for over a thousand years, thanks to their extremely robust cellular regenerative system, and during that time, they are able to reproduce with a partner of any gender or species.

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Do asari get pregnant?

Instead of trading cellular material directly like other biological organisms, asari reproduce by “melding”: linking their nervous systems with their partner’s and utilizing the electrical pattern of their partner’s system to provide a template for half the DNA of their resulting child.

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What color is asari blood?

Asari blood is purple.

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Mass Effect – The Hidden History of the Asari

How old is Tali Zorah?

Tali’Zorah nar Rayya is 22 in Mass Effect 1, born in 2161.

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How old is Liara in human years?

Liara is the estranged child of Matriarch Benezia, a well-respected and powerful asari biotic. She is 106 years old during her first appearance, which is the equivalent to a young adult and within the Maiden stage of asari life.

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Who is the oldest krogan Mass Effect?

The first krogan character in the media franchise, a battlemaster named Skarr, appears in Mass Effect: Revelation as a secondary antagonist.

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How old is Garrus Vakarian?

In accordance with this timeline, Shepard would be 29 years old in the first game, making Garrus 25 years old. Turian aging is very similar to human aging, unlike with most other species. In the Mass Effect universe, both typically live until ~140 years old.

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How long do Batarians live?

Age: Batarians are a rather long lived race, they’re lifespan surpasses 200 years of age. (OPTIONAL) Height: An average batarian stands at just over 6″0″. This is due largely impart by the large brow over thier second set of eyes.

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Is Liara pregnant at the end of ME3?

On their way to Ilos, the two finally join, and Liara becomes pregnant. Two weeks after they take down Saren, Shepard is spaced and the crew disperses. It is still too early to show any sign of her carrying, though, and Liara goes off to start her own life up again.

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What is Commander Shepard’s age?

“Shepard was born on April 11, 2154,” quoted from the resident article on Commander Shepard. The series begins in 2183, so Shepard 28/29 years old.

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Does Liara have a child Mass Effect?

Iyra Aldonia was an Asari Commando, Shadow Broker agent, and adept. She is one of the main protagonist of Mass Effect: Lost Souls, Broken Minds. Iyra is also the daughter of Liara T’Soni, and Vincent Shepard. Iyra was born on Thessia, her mother’s homeworld, the last child of Liara and Vincent.

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How old is grunt Mass Effect?

In the Mass Effect 2 Cinematic Trailer, the Illusive Man’s computer states Grunt is 300+ years old.

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How old is Vega ME3?

1 James Vega

He’s a bit of a meathead, which isn’t surprising considering he’s in his early 20s and is a marine in Systems Alliance. Since he is a human in the military he’s considered rather bland as a squad member addition, but he did offer some solid Latinx representation.

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How old is zaeed?

4 Zaeed Massani

At over 70 years old he’s one of the oldest humans featured in the Mass Effect series.

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Why do Shepards scars glow?

Shepard’s scars glow. Below the surface of digital objects in a game, the objects glow, so this indicates that the scars are simply tears in the digital surface rather than an attempt to make them look real.

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What is Shepard’s canon name?

If Shepard is male, his name will be John Shepard; if female, her name will be Jane Shepard.

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What is female Shepard’s first name?

By default, Mass Effect’s Commander Shepard is called “John” or “Jane”, depending on your allegiance in the BroShep/FemShep war.

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Is Liara Shepard’s canon love interest?

Although there is no official “canon love interest”, Liara is my pick for male Shepard – I think, her story makes most sense with him (and Tali stays with Garrus – also, in Citadel DLC, if Ashley is saved, she can hook up with James, he shows interest in her through the whole game).

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Does Shepard sleep with Javik?

Romancing Javik

The scene with Javik only occurs at the end of the Party in the Citadel DLC, and is exclusive to Female Shepards. To initiate it, you must not currently be in a Romance with any other character. Once you get to the end of the party, the scene will play where Shepard wakes up with Javik in bed.

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Did Liara find Shepard’s body?

When Commander Shepard was killed in a Collector attack that also resulted in the destruction of the SSV Normandy, Cerberus was able to recover Shepard’s corpse with the help of Liara T’Soni.

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Is Javik really the last prothean?

Javik is one of those Avatars, and his virtue is Vengeance. According to Javik, he was the last of the warriors of the Prothean Empire, born in the midst of the war with the Reapers, a war the Protheans were losing.

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What is the lifespan of Cadia?

The Cadia East Underground gold and copper mine is the first Australian panel cave and the country’s largest underground mine, with significant ore reserves and a projected lifespan of more than 30 years.

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